February 1st, 2025 | Tokyo, Japan | Team RJHH
The track “ESSENCE” from the collaborative album FAFJUNK is now available for streaming! This project results from a collaboration between BIG FAF, a Tokyo-based HIPHOP crew Flat Line Classics member, and ILLJUNK, a talented beatmaker from Kitakyushu.
For this track, they invited Joe Cupertino, a bilingual rapper from California, who brings a unique dimension to the production. Backed by a dynamic and bouncy instrumental crafted by ILLJUNK, the track showcases a seamless and robust exchange between BIG FAF and Joe Cupertino, highlighting their perfect chemistry.
Artist: BIG FAF & ILLJUNK / Title: ESSENCE feat. Joe Cupertino / Label: P-VINE, Inc. / Distribution start date: Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Artist: BIG FAF & ILLJUNK / Title: FAFJUNK / Label: P-VINE, Inc./ Release date: Wednesday, February 12, 2025
1. Horse-d’oeuvre
4. Minority
5. Brand New Days
6. Via point (skit)
7. TIE feat. G North Cheri
8. Whole Story
9. ESSENCE feat. Joe Cupertino
10. I Know